Software architecture defines services running in your environment using heterogeneous protocols and languages. Two crucial services of modern applications are message bus and storage services. The message bus along with storage services form a basis of distributed application.

We also provide expertise in: 1) MQTT, AMQP, XMPP, and other less known protocols as for message bus; 2) distributed databases, DHT, consistency. Depending on your needs we create simple and managable architecture, probably involving other services, like auth service, business process management, roster management, etc. The result of this phase is an application protocol specification (API), and components design.


We create prototypes using Erlang language, as it allows the code to be small and concise, yet undestandable and manageable by engineers. Usually this phase can take couple months. As a result you get a demo of runnable proof of concept.


We did public and private trainings for Crytek, PrivatBank, TecSynt, Quanterall and other companies. We have written books, turtorial, articles, and other support materials that forms a courses program.

Erlang Courses 2013—2014


If you want to push our work in your own direction, you can contract us to provide paid services for your company by commiting to Synrc open source repositories. By signing the contract you will unlock the author's supervision, architecture lead, code review, and trainings for your team.